The vanishings continue. 70 Foster kids just go missing? They blame most of it on run-aways? And most that go missing do not have photograph's attached to their files??

The homeless have been vanishing in mass after getting into white vans.  On the streets they stick together in small groups taking sleep turns in Venice Beach, California where homeless people told me in 2010, they were being taken by the Govt. There was an underground there that took homeless that entered a certain tunnel section. Although the tunnel offered weather protection, the word was out...don't get near that tunnel.  Since then, I continue to see more claims of this.

 I come across this just after seeing the news article yesterday about the body parts all frozen together from America on it's way to China.

Chinese Tanker Holds American Body Parts

There have also been found abandoned warehouses full of body parts! WTF is going on?
You can be sure I will make sure my body is no longer listed as for use by Science now unless it's a particular, documented university.

David Paulides has written and spoken for many years now about all the people that go missing from National Parks and the mysterious events continue.

Are we so consumed with our daily lives that we've become completely dependent on the mass media (msm) to let us know when people go missing? Guess what? They aren't talking. They aren't even looking into it!



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